2 min read
05 Jan

This is the series of activities that produce excellent and affordable services/products, with focus on having a competitive lead over rival businesses. Value chain is also viewed as goodwill, an unseen asset that is the result of a company’s good performance over time.

At KINDOJU, our main focus is bringing value to our client’s business, through the innovative solutions (the quality of products / services) we proffer, while observing the best safety measures.

Our Value chain is categorized into two:

  1. Principal: comprise of  five daily activities

a. Inflow administration: involves sourcing and retaining competent personnel and standard machinery to produce excellent jobs for our clients.  

b. Operations: involves training (safety and hands-on) of personnel on oil and gas trending services / products, as it relates to KINDOJU. It also includes promoting the visibility of the business on social media platforms. All this is gear towards offering our clients value for their resources (money).

c. Outflow administration: KINDOJU is committed to delivering (from mobilization to execution and completion) superior services / products, through the use of high quality materials, with the most economic advantage and ecofriendly for our clients’ interest. Thereby having a win-win for both parties (we & our clients). 

d. Marketing and sales: KINDOJU ensures that its services / products (packaging and price tag) have value (competitive lead) and appeal to taste / desire of its clients.   

e. Services: For continuity in consumer patronage and loyalty, KINDOJU puts support (warranties, customer service, maintenance etc.) system in place.  

2. Principal Support: comprise of four activities that aid the effectiveness of the principal activities, with the aim of creating a competitive lead for the business. These include:

a. Procurement: KINDOJU aims at getting its resources from the source. This guarantees authenticity, and reliability of the products, it offers. 

b. Technological development: KINDOJU invests (hands-on up to date technical gadgets, staff training, creative brainstorming, etc.) a great deal on its relevance in the oil and gas industry, as well as to its clients. 

c. Human resource management: To fulfill its mandate of bringing value to its client’s business, KINDOJU endeavor to source and retain its human capital based their delivery of innovative solutions, to execute the overall business objective. 

d. Infrastructure: For sustainability and relevance in the oil and gas industry, KINDOJU ensures a smooth (consistency in the interrelation of its business decisions on legal, management, financial and technical matters) operation of its principal activities.

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